March 06, 2024

Uncover the Latest Web Development Trends of 2024

In the ever-evolving world of technology, staying ahead of the curve is crucial for web developers and businesses. As we enter 2024, the web development landscape has witnessed transformative changes reshaping how websites are designed and experienced. In this blog, we embark on an insightful journey into the dynamic realm of web development, exploring the latest web development trends reshaping the digital landscape in 2024 and beyond. Responsive and Adaptive Web Design ...

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6 min read

Web Development

February 27, 2024

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Optimizing Your Website for Search Engines

The importance of search engine optimization on your website cannot be stressed in the broad online world, where millions of websites compete for attention. This procedure is essential for raising the visibility of your website and drawing in natural traffic. However, many website owners frequently make blunders that can interfere with their optimization attempts. This blog post will discuss typical blunders to avoid while search engines optimize your website. Neglecting ...

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4 min read


January 17, 2024

Explore the Top UI/UX Design Trends for 2024

In the ever-changing world of digital experiences, staying ahead of the curve is essential. As we step into 2024, the landscape of UX/UI design is set to witness exciting transformations. This blog will delve into the UX/UI design trends that promise to redefine user interactions. Whether you're a designer, business owner, or simply someone curious about the digital world, this blog will help you in your journey into ...

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8 min read

UI / UX Design

January 11, 2024

7 Website Design Trends You Can't Ignore in 2024

For any site designer or business owner, being ahead of the curve is essential in the ever-changing world of the internet. As 2024 approaches, the web design scene is still changing and introducing new ideas that improve user experience while also being aesthetically pleasing. These seven web design trends for 2024 are too big to ignore, whether you're a web design enthusiast or a business owner trying to update your online ...

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6 min read

Web Design

August 18, 2023

The Impact of Intuitive Web Design in Boosting Conversions

Your website serves as your digital storefront; just like in the physical world, first impressions matter. Imagine walking into a cluttered, disorganized store—it wouldn't inspire confidence in your purchase decisions. Similarly, a poorly designed website can turn away potential customers. This is where intuitive web design comes into play. Intuitive web design is about creating an interface that users can navigate effortlessly. It anticipates their needs, guides ...

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8 min read

Web Design

August 16, 2023

Top 6 Frameworks for Android App Development in 2023

Android frameworks tremendously impact the dynamic field of mobile app development, affecting how mobile apps are created and made available to users. The demand for flexible and effective frameworks increases as the mobile app market continues developing. These frameworks give programmers the resources and tools to build cutting-edge apps that satisfy users' shifting needs. This article examines the top six Android frameworks expected to rule the market in 2023 and ...

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6 min read

Android App Development

August 07, 2023

Unlocking the Power of Shopify: Key to eCommerce Success

The digital revolution has significantly changed how businesses operate and engage with customers. The growth of eCommerce has made it a significant and vital force in global trade. Today's consumers value the accessibility and ease of online shopping, which has prompted businesses to implement eCommerce systems to survive the competitive market. Shopify distinguishes among many eCommerce platforms as one of the most well-liked and efficient options. We will examine ...

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5 min read


August 04, 2023

Creating Your First iOS App: A Step-by-Step Guide for Developers

Mobile apps have assimilated into our daily lives in today's fast-paced digital world. The iOS platform offers a big audience and a prosperous market for app creators. This step-by-step tutorial will walk you through the critical phases of the development process if you're an aspiring app developer looking to make your first iOS app. We'll also examine how working with an accomplished iOS app development business might ...

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6 min read

iOS App Development

August 02, 2023

Hybrid App Development: Redefining Mobile Experiences in 2023

Mobile experiences have become essential to our daily lives in our current chaotic digital environment. The demand for seamless and user-friendly mobile applications has increased along with technological advancement. Hybrid app development is one key innovation that has completely changed the industry. This article will go into hybrid app development, examining its advantages, effects on mobile user interfaces, and why organizations use hybrid app development firms. 1. What is Hybrid App ...

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6 min read

App Development

July 31, 2023

Joomla Web Development Secrets Revealed: Empower Your Online Presence!

Are you hoping to improve your internet visibility and build a beautiful website that stands out? Look no further! In this article, we'll dive into the secrets of Joomla web development that will supercharge your website and captivate your audience. Whether you run a small business or blog, Joomla can boost your online visibility. 1. What is Joomla Web Development? Joomla is a potent open-source Content Management System (CMS) that ...

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6 min read


July 28, 2023

10 Proven Tips to Boost Your E-Commerce Success with Magento Development!

Are you an aspiring internet businessperson hoping to accelerate your e-commerce success? Would you like to advance your online business by utilizing the potential of Magento development? In that case, you've found the proper site! The 10 tried-and-true suggestions that can increase your e-commerce success with Magento development are revealed in this post. So buckle up, and let's start on this thrilling ride together! 1. Understanding Magento Development You must ...

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6 min read


July 24, 2023

The Art of Storytelling Through Logo Design: A Trending Approach

Logos are essential for communicating a company's identity and ideals to customers in branding and marketing. However, logos have far more meaning than just a simple visual representation. A currently popular logo design approach emphasizes the craft of storytelling. Making a logo that tells a story has become a potent tool for building brand loyalty and stronger connections with customers. This essay will examine how modern organizations are affected ...

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5 min read

Graphic Design

July 21, 2023

Beyond Aesthetics: The Pivotal Role of UX in Modern Web Design

In today's digital landscape, an attractive website alone is insufficient to ensure success. Web design has evolved beyond aesthetics and strongly emphasizes providing exceptional user experiences (UX). In this post, we'll look at how important UX is to modern web design and how it influences user experience, conversion rates, and the success of companies. Understanding User Experience (UX) All facets of a user's contact with a website, ...

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4 min read

Web Design

July 11, 2023

Importance of Payment Gateway in eCommerce: A Comprehensive Guide

In the quick-paced e-commerce world, users and merchants need an easy and secure payment process. Payment channels are crucial in this context. The technology that enables safe money transfers between clients and merchants during online transactions is known as a payment gateway. This in-depth tutorial will investigate the function of payment gateways in e-commerce, define a payment gateway, describe how it works, describe the various types offered, and explain how ...

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6 min read


July 10, 2023

Why Every Business Needs an Apple Watch App

Mobile applications have become an integral part of businesses in today's digital age. However, with the rise of wearable technology, a new avenue has emerged for businesses to connect with their customers: Apple Watch apps. This blog post will explore why businesses should consider developing an Apple Watch app. We will also highlight the importance of partnering with professional iOS app development services to ensure a successful implementation. Expanding ...

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3 min read

iOS App Development

July 05, 2023

How to Become a WordPress Developer - A Complete Guide

WordPress has evolved from a simple blogging platform to a powerful content management system (CMS) used by millions of websites worldwide. As we enter 2023, the demand for skilled WordPress developers continues to grow. Whether you aspire to become a professional WordPress developer or want to enhance your existing skills, this detailed guide will provide you with a roadmap to success in the ever-evolving world of WordPress development. What is ...

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4 min read


June 27, 2023

How Artificial Intelligence (AI) is Transforming Web Development

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a transformative force across various industries, revolutionizing the way we live, work, and interact. Web development, a crucial aspect of the digital landscape, is experiencing significant advancements thanks to AI technologies. In this blog, we will delve into the profound impact of AI on web development, exploring its various applications and discussing how it is reshaping the industry. Automating Web Development Tasks Web development ...

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3 min read

Web Development

June 14, 2023

Sketch to HTML Conversion - A Step-by-Step Guide

In today's digital landscape, a visually appealing and functional website is crucial for businesses and individuals. Designers often create stunning website layouts using design software like Sketch, which offers a range of powerful features and capabilities. However, to bring these designs to life, a vital step is converting them into HTML code. Sketch to HTML conversion process ensures the design is accurately translated into a fully functional website. In ...

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5 min read

Web Design

June 06, 2023

The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Mobile App Development

The world of mobile app development has witnessed a significant transformation over the years, with Artificial Intelligence (AI) emerging as a powerful catalyst for innovation. AI can potentially revolutionize how mobile apps are built and experienced. From enhancing user engagement to streamlining development processes, AI is making its mark in the mobile app development landscape. In this blog post, we will explore how AI can impact mobile app development and ...

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3 min read

App Development

May 26, 2023

Figma to HTML Conversion: The Ultimate Guide For Developers

In the fast-paced world of web development, efficient and seamless design-to-development workflows are crucial. Figma, a popular design tool, has gained significant traction for its collaborative features and intuitive interface. One of the key steps in translating designs into functional websites is converting Figma files to HTML. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the process of Figma to HTML conversion, providing a step-by-step walkthrough and essential tips to ensure ...

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6 min read

Web Design

May 18, 2023

Unveiling the Future: Top SEO Trends to Watch Out for in 2023

In the ever-evolving world of search engine optimization (SEO), staying ahead of the curve is crucial for businesses and digital marketers. As we step into 2023, it's essential to explore the latest SEO trends that will shape the digital landscape in the coming year. From advancements in AI and voice search to mobile optimization and user experience, this blog will delve into the top SEO trends to watch out for ...

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3 min read


May 08, 2023

The Rise of Voice Search: How to Optimize Your Website for Voice-Activated Devices

The advent of smart speakers and other voice-activated devices has led to a rise in the use of voice search. According to research conducted by Google, over 20% of all searches are now conducted using voice search. This trend is expected to continue in the coming years, with experts predicting that by 2024, more than half of all internet searches will be conducted using voice search. As a website owner or marketer, ...

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6 min read


April 28, 2023

Top 10 eCommerce Trends You Should Know in 2023

The eCommerce industry has been experiencing tremendous growth in recent years, with more and more businesses moving online to reach a global audience. The COVID-19 pandemic has further accelerated this trend, with many consumers preferring to shop online instead of visiting physical stores. As we move towards 2023, eCommerce is expected to continue evolving and transforming the way we shop. In this blog post, we will explore the top 10 eCommerce trends ...

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5 min read


April 17, 2023

Top 10 Graphic Design Trends: A Comprehensive Guide for 2023

Graphic design is an ever-evolving field, with new trends emerging every year. Keeping up with the latest trends can be challenging, but it's essential if you want to create designs that feel fresh and modern. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the latest graphic design trends for 2023 and how you can incorporate them into your work. 1. Bold Colors One of the most significant graphic design trends for 2023 is ...

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4 min read

Graphic Design

April 12, 2023

The Power of Visual Storytelling: How Graphic Design Can Transform Your Brand

Graphic design has become an essential part of building a successful brand. It's no longer just about creating a visually appealing logo, but it's about creating a cohesive visual language that tells your brand's story. In today's digital age, visual storytelling is more critical than ever, as it can capture your audience's attention and leave a lasting impression. In this blog, we will explore the ...

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4 min read

Graphic Design

April 06, 2023

The Importance of Website Speed: How to Optimize for Faster Load Times

In today's digital age, a fast-loading website is crucial for online success. Studies have shown that visitors are likely to abandon a website that takes longer than 3 seconds to load, which can lead to a significant loss in potential customers and revenue. Therefore, optimizing website speed has become a top priority for online businesses. In this blog, we will discuss the importance of website speed and provide some tips ...

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3 min read


March 31, 2023

How to Optimise Your Website for Better Search Engine Rankings in 2023

The success of any business or organisation in today's digital environment depends on its website's visibility in search engine results pages. To keep your website visible to your intended audience as search engine algorithms change, you must keep up with the current SEO practices. In 2023, the battle for top search engine ranks is only anticipated to heat up. The most up-to-date strategies for boosting your site's rankings ...

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7 min read


March 28, 2023

Benefits of Using a Content Management System (CMS) for Your Website

Any business or organisation must have a robust online presence in today's digital world. Yet, website management can be challenging for those without extensive technological knowledge.  A content management system (CMS) is necessary in this case. An easy-to-use content management system (CMS) facilitates the production, administration, and distribution of written, visual, and auditory media. In addition, a content management system (CMS) facilitates efficiently managing a website's content, ...

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6 min read


March 27, 2023

Everything You Need to Know About Figma to HTML Conversion

Figmat to HTML might sound like a brutal crack. Still, it is like converting your Bitcoins into easily accessible transactional tokens. Looks like a world of ice from the outside, but it melts right before your eyes.  You've found the definitive resource for developers looking to convert from Figma to HTML! Anybody who has worked as a web developer or designer has undoubtedly heard of Figma, a popular ...

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8 min read

Web Design

March 22, 2023

Latest Android App Development Trends in 2023 That are Literally Taking Over the World

Is being ahead of the curve in 2023 important to you as an Android app developer? Providing the best possible user experience requires abreast of the newest technological developments. This article examines the most prominent 2023 trends in Android app development.  Why staying up-to-date with these trends is essential for app developers?  Android app developers must keep abreast of emerging trends to remain competitive. In addition, developers need to stay ...

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5 min read

Android App Development

March 17, 2023

Top UI/UX Design Trends for 2023 - Every Designer Should Know

Introduction to Trending UI/UX Designs  User interface and user experience design is the procedure for making digital products that give users the best possible interaction with such things. The design thinks about how people will use the product and works to make it intuitive, aesthetically pleasing, and useful. The end game is to make a thing that does what the customers want and helps the company succeed.  ...

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7 min read

UI / UX Design

March 16, 2023

The Difference Between UX and UI Design – A Beginner's Guide

Introduction to UX and UI Design  You may have heard the terms "UX" and "UI" thrown around a lot if you're starting in digital design. While these terms are frequently used interchangeably, they refer to distinct design process stages. Anybody wanting to make a successful digital product should know the distinction between user experience and user interface design.  In this article, we'll introduce you to the ...

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7 min read

UI / UX Design

February 27, 2023

5 Things You Need Before Redesigning Your Website

Hello, explorers of the cyber world! Are you prepared to go out on a risky voyage through the wilds of a website redesign? Don't fear; we are here to aid you on your journey. But before we move forward, we want to ensure you're ready to take on anything that comes our way.  For a successful website redesign, consider these five prerequisites. In that case, strap in, ...

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6 min read

Web Design

February 23, 2023

How to Build a Strong Brand Identity in 2023

Establishing a reliable brand identity is more important than ever in today's era of social media, rapidly evolving consumer tastes and a rapidly expanding number of startups. Even if your company has an excellent product or service, it risks being overlooked if it lacks a distinctive brand. With consumers' attention spans at an all-time low and the level of competition at an all-time high, it's more important than ...

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9 min read


February 15, 2023

WordPress Vs Shopify: What You Need to Know Before Choose

Are you prepared to expand your web-based company?  Are you torn between WordPress and Shopify, two of the most exquisite content management systems (CMSs) and online store platforms, respectively?  Prepare yourselves for an exciting ride as we compare and contrast WordPress and Shopify. We will discuss the merits and shortcomings of each platform, as well as their unique qualities. So have a seat, brew a pot of coffee, ...

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8 min read


February 09, 2023

What Is Branding and Why Is It Important for Your Business?

Developing a distinct and memorable brand identity in the minds of your intended consumers is the goal of branding. Branding refers to the overall impression a company or group makes in customers' minds. Companies of all sizes can benefit from branding since it raises their profile in the eyes of consumers. We'll talk about the importance of branding and how it may help your business grow. Defining Branding  ...

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7 min read


February 03, 2023

How Much Does it Cost to Develop a Mobile App in 2023?

When making a mobile app, one of the most important considerations for businesses is how much it will cost to develop. The rising need for mobile apps across industries makes it essential to comprehend the variables influencing app development expenses and the typical cost of creating a mobile app in 2023.  We'll estimate how much it will cost on average to build a mobile app in 2023 and discuss the ...

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7 min read

App Development

February 02, 2023

5 Stages of App Development: A Comprehensive Guide 2023

The development of an app is a time-consuming and intricate process that calls for meticulous preparation, careful execution, and constant refinement. To become an expert at app development, you need to learn the various processes involved and how to approach each one for the best possible outcome.  5 Stages of the App Development Process for a Successful Business  This detailed guide will analyse each step of the app creation ...

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6 min read

App Development

January 31, 2023

Native Vs Cross-Platform App Development - All You Need To Know

Mobile app development can be done in two ways: natively and cross-platform. The process of building apps exclusive to a specific platform, such as iOS or Android, using the platform's native programming languages and SDKs is known as native app development. The features and capabilities of the underlying platform are fully utilised in these apps, resulting in a high-performance and visually pleasing user experience.  Introduction to Native and ...

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8 min read

App Development

January 05, 2023

Best Programming Languages for Web Development in 2023

The process of creating and managing websites is known as web development. It covers a variety of tasks, including data administration, feature implementation, and user interface design and layout. To be a successful web developer, it is essential to have a strong foundation in a programming language that is well-suited for web development. It's difficult to predict which programming languages will be the best for web development in 2023, as ...

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6 min read

Web Development

December 27, 2022

12 Reasons Why Your Business Needs a Fully Responsive Website

A website is a digital platform that provides internet users with information about a company or product. A website can be used as an online store, blog, social media page, or any other type. That’s where the significance of a web design agency comes into the picture.  The reasons why you need a website are varied and include the following: To create awareness about your company or ...

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7 min read

Web Design

December 14, 2022

8 Essential Stages of Mobile App Development - Step-by-Step Guidelines 2023

Many apps can help you with your marketing, leading and selling needs. But which ones to use? There are always some special ones that stand out. And a lot goes into the development process followed to build that app.  While I'll ensure you have fun while reading this blog about an App Development Process, I hope you also comprehend all the stages of app development.  We've ...

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12 min read

App Development

November 09, 2022

10 Web Design Trends You Can not Resist to Follow in 2023

1. Page Speed  In 2022, 2-3 seconds is the threshold where website bounce rates skyrocket. And given our lessening attention span of us due to innocuous blessings in the form of Instagram Reels and YouTube Shorts, even God will have to answer our prayers very quickly now. Yes, we have grown that impatient and want things to happen fast.  Jokes apart, your website’s loading speed will matter the ...

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4 min read

Web Design

September 20, 2022

Why Choose Custom Web Development Over Template Based Website

Whether you choose custom web development or a template-based website, it will mostly depend upon your requirement. But hiring the top web development agency in India will make your job easier  If you are a single user whose objective is to grow a personal brand and you are only looking to update blogs/content for your audience, then a template-based website will be a good fit for you. But ...

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9 min read

Web Development

September 13, 2022

How Can App Development Companies Help Your Business Grow

People in the 21st century are enticed by their smartphones. Most of us are even addicted to it. There have been approximately 143.6 billion app downloads in 2021 alone. That’s one of the reasons why businesses are turning to top app development companies to get their business en route to success. Businesses don’t want to give away this amazing opportunity to reach their audience, customers, and users, with ...

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6 min read

App Development

September 06, 2022

Why Do New Businesses Need the Support of Top Web Development Companies

Today, having an online identity in the form of a website is critical. The importance of having a website cannot be overstated, regardless of the industry you work in or the size of your company. A website is one of the very first branding and marketing tools, especially for startups. That’s why most startups turn to top web development companies to feel seen and heard in the digital ...

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7 min read

Web Development

January 11, 2019

Social Media 101: Plan Your Social Media Marketing Strategy Effectively with These Powerful Tools

Want to plan your social media strategy better? There are many tools you can use for social media scheduling. A good workflow is required to plan and execute the plans better. It ensures coordination within your team for the proposed social media strategy. Here are some of the premier tools for planning an impactful and results-driven social media strategy: ContentCal It is easy to use and powerful social media scheduler. ...

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3 min read

Digital Marketing

January 08, 2019

9 Web Design Trends You Can not Resist to Follow in 2019

Change is definite and necessary, so technology evolves constantly for better advancements. Web design is a field of creative experiments to keep the website riveting for the users. As a web designer, you should create something between the current trend and old things to keep the website alive forever.  As we bid farewell to 2018 recently, here are nine web design trends that will certainly rule in 2019. 1.    Mandatory Mobile First DesignYou ...

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5 min read

Web Design

January 07, 2019

Voice Search is on the Rise. 4 Tips to Optimize Your Website for Voice Search

Have you done anything to make your website compatible for voice search? If not, then this is for you. Research proves that 30% of all the website sessions will be conducted using voice search by 2020. SEO Experts in India should better be ready to grab this opportunity to garner more visitors. A voice search offers more comfort in a way for users that they don’t need to browse the products/...

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4 min read


January 03, 2019

Magento 2.3: Your Ultimate Guide to Newly-launched Magento Version

Recently, Magento version 2.3 was launched and ended a long wait of Magento users. This new Magento version promises to bridge the gap with enhanced performance abilities. Let's see if it can live up to the expectations of the users. Though, Magento 2.3 has an edge over its previous releases when it comes to performance, innovation, and security.Magento Development Services is so popular among the eCommerce developers community. With every update, ...

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3 min read


December 17, 2018

iOS App Advantages: Do You Really Need to Invest in iPhone App? This Will Help You Decide!

2018 proved to be a wonderful year for Apple. It became the first American company to achieve a value of $1 trillion. Statistics show that there are more than 1 billion Apple devices in use in 2017. The same number of users visit Apple’s App Store and the number of iOS app downloads also increased. The facts are enough to believe that Apple’s business is flourishing. Businessmen should invest in iOS App ...

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4 min read

iOS App Development

November 22, 2018

7 SEO Trends to Look Out for in 2019 and Why You Should Be Ready to Implement Them in Your SEO Strategy

You have come halfway in 2018 and 2019 is about to start. The journey of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) so far is good; it has helped the businesses a lot over the years. Today, the aim of SEO is no longer about bringing the website on the top pages. Like the development, it has carved out its own importance. Top SEO Companies in India are focusing on new trends snippets, voice search, ...

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6 min read


November 12, 2018

Top 5 Trends of Android Application Development in 2018 and Beyond

Android smartphones are quite popular around the world; the reason is they are available at very cheap rates. Availability, affordable and new trends have revolutionized the mobile app industry. In every quarter, new technologies emerge and take place of the old ones. Your previous generations had not seen what you are experiencing today, and the coming generations might see something really advanced. Top Trends of Android Application Development1.    Android Instant ...

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3 min read

Android App Development

October 05, 2018

7 Innovative Graphic Design Trends that will rule the Internet in 2018 and 2019 as Well

We have come halfway down to 2018; a myriad of developments have taken in the field of Augmented Reality, artificial intelligence, blockchain etc. Don’t get confused this blog is about graphic design trends. Graphic design is not too far behind, it is high time to take the risks in graphic design and stand out from the rest. You can’t do it with the old approach as those things won’...

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4 min read

Graphic Design

August 10, 2018

Know The Pros and Cons of Shopify and Magento to Choose The Best & Stand out from the Rest

Anyone who is planning to start an ecommerce business would be thinking about the products, vendors etc. Digital ecommerce has evolved in the last few years making it a tough task for founders to choose which ecommerce platform will help to achieve their business feat. The success or failure of any ecommerce company depends on the foundation of the ecommerce portal. Shopify and Magento are the two widely used ecommerce ...

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4 min read


July 20, 2018

Don’t Forget to Include These 5 Quintessential Design Elements in Your Landing Page

Want to build a killer and customized homepage for your website, read for some time here and you will be equipped to make your homepage awesome. The idea of a great website does not have to be overly complex and complicated. So, if you are looking for an awesome homepage layout for your business then you don’t have to go anywhere else as you have already landed in the ...

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4 min read

Web Design

July 19, 2018

What is Whitespace and Its Effects on Web Design of Your Website

What are the things that attract visitors? Of course, images, graphics, colours, and fonts pull audients to your website. But, apart from these visible elements, some invisible aspects(like whitespaces) play an inevitable role. So, when designing a particular website, you must keep it in mind. Mostly, web designers leave negative spaces between the elements, which people refer to as whitespaces. However, this useless whitespace can be filled with creative ...

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4 min read

Web Design

May 29, 2018

Which Technology is Better for Your Business a CMS or PHP FRAMEWORK?

Do you ever feel that CMS is better than PHP Framework? Or PHP Framework is better. This blog will tell you about the technicalities associated with both the technologies. When you look out for a web development company knowing these distinctive features of both technologies will make the things easier for you.Content Management System (CMS)CMS stands for Content Management System. The businessmen can manage the content of the ...

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5 min read

Web Development

May 29, 2018

Top 5 PHP Frameworks You Should Know

PHP is the most powerful programming language which is widely used as a scripting language in web development. There are some other languages in the place like ASP and Ruby, but PHP stands out as the best. It is easy to learn and use, take a look at the five best PHP frameworks. 1.    Laravel Created by Taylor Otwell, Laravel is a free and open-source PHP web framework released back in ...

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3 min read

Web Development

May 29, 2018

Top 7 Digital Marketing Trends You Should Look Out For in 2018

2018 is going to put the break on the current trends of digital marketing, and the trends are likely to change a lot. It’s high time for the companies to start paying attention, or else they may be forced. Tomorrow, digital marketing needs to emerge in the sense of technologies to become more visible and reach more consumers since customers demand a more integrated experience. 1.    Augmented Reality Integrated Through Social ...

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2 min read

Digital Marketing

May 29, 2018

Want to Have a Killer Logo for Your Brand. Consider 5 These Unconventional Tips of Logo Design.

A tick, an apple, four rings, etc. Do any of the previous words ring a bell? Tick is the logo of Nike, an apple of Apple Inc. and four rings of Audi. A logo is a graphical display of a company’s unique identity which is developed by using colors, fonts, and images. The purpose of a logo is to let the people identify the company or the brand every ...

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4 min read

Graphic Design

May 29, 2018

SEO VS PPC. Which One is better for Your Business?

For digital marketers, it is a big question which they should go for Pay-Per-Click (PPC) or an organic Search Engine Optimization (SEO) strategy. Both have different usability, and it depends on your company goals. When looking for a PPC or SEO services, ask yourself a few questions? Is your product is new? Do your customers need to research before purchasing your product or service? Is everyone familiar with or aware ...

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3 min read


May 29, 2018

What is On-Page SEO? 8 Things That You Must Do in On-Page SEO to Increase Website Traffic

On-page SEO is one of the popular Search Engine Optimization (SEO) techniques. Without implementing on-page SEO, you cannot expect visibility of your website for the target audience and its peak performance. The changed on-page rules ensure best results on search engine over the past few years. What is On-Page SEO?When you optimize the individual web pages of a website to rank higher and get more traffic, the practice is ...

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4 min read


May 29, 2018

Don’t Have a Mobile App? Know Why You Should Invest in Mobile App Development?

Technologies evolve over time, the methods of communication with customers also changed. Gone are the days of the websites, now is the time for swanky mobile apps. Whether you are a big business giant or a startup, you will palpably feel the need of having a mobile app for your company. Generally, the mobile app is a costly affair, but it is worthy of your investment. You should know how ...

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4 min read

App Development

May 29, 2018

What is A Responsive Website and Why Your Business needs it

If you tired of hearing the website design companies telling you that they are charging more just because of delivering a fully responsive design and website. Then this blog is for you. A responsive website means a website that provides optimal viewing and interaction experience to users that is simple to resize, easy to read, pan or scrolls up and down on both desktop and mobile devices. The chances of ...

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3 min read

Web Development

May 29, 2018

Avoid These 7 Mistakes in Your Ecommerce Website To Offer The Best User Experience

Ecommerce websites have come a long way after Jeff Bezos founded in 1994. That sound like a revolution but not relevant in today’s perspective as thousands of ecommerce stores have launched. When someone decides to run an ecommerce website, his ultimate aim is to satisfy the customers and earn maximum profits. Other than the back-end process, an ecommerce website should be well planned and designed in a manner ...

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3 min read


May 29, 2018

Why You Need Social Media to Engage the Customers with Your Brand

 It’s the 21st century; the aura of the social media is now thriving on the top gears. People turn to social media before they get off their beds. It was a form of social interaction but became addiction later. This is not going to end in the coming two decades. So, you should take benefit of it and use it as a tool to serve your goals.Social media ...

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4 min read

Digital Marketing

May 29, 2018

5 Reasons Why You Need SEO for A New Website

The practice of increasing the traffic to your website through organic search results is called Search engine optimization (SEO).  Didn’t get the precise meaning? Let’s explain in layman's language. It is a typical human mind to see the things quickly which shows up first. When you search for something on the internet (irrespective of the search engines), you get some results from first place to the 100th position. ...

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